let's knit let's purl
hair strait hair curl
one boy one girl
bad rat good squirrel
i look at three forums pretty much every day, this one, a knitting/crochet forum and a weight-loss forum.
the weight-loss site has loads of useful apps, but the forum consists of posts by people who are mostly pretty young, self-absorbed and ill-informed except on a narrow range of information, mainly weight-lifting, working out, and starving themselves.. the folks on the knitting/crochet forum are extremely polite, politically correct, and obey rules very carefully.
other than that, there are some seriously creative people with amazing artistic talent that expresses itself in fiber arts.
let's knit let's purl
hair strait hair curl
one boy one girl
bad rat good squirrel
many jws are misfits and many that were raised as jws find it difficult to be "normal".
are you comfortable with yourself at this point in time?.
i'm comfortable enough with myself but I'm not sure how comfortable others are with me. I have a habit of dragging people into conversations they don't especially want to have.
People as pinatas hit them with weird ideas and see if any candy or toys fall out.
I've never had a flu shot and have only had a strange flu once many years ago. We were out for a walk and we sat by a pond just full of ducks and not long after we came down with a horrible flu within days of each other. We were flattened by that flu. i often wonder if we had some kind of bird flu.
it is not chains that bind me to the position i now hold .
and, that, for a lengthy time now.. i stand motionless, my eyes peering through dark curtains, they fixed steadily upon cheerful passersby on the street below my third-storey bedroom window.
by their simply being out and about in the daytime sun i perceive that, in contrast to my placid self, these happy souls are at peace with the world.
Vincent is back and he's got a pillow
raymond franz introduces a declaration made by uncle fred:.
still later in 1979, in fact on november 17, the day after i left .
on a "zone" trip to west africa, fred franz, now the society's .
It was 100 yrs ago today sargent Freddy taught the band to say
that the systems going out of style so you better preach it for a while
so may I introduce to you the one you've known for all these years sargent Freddy's lonely hearts club band
It's wonderful to be here it's certainly a thrill
you're such a lovely audience we'd like to lie to you again we'd like to lie to you
We really want to stop the show so we thought you might like to know
that uncle freddy's gonna sing a song and he wants you to sing along
so let me introduce to you the the one and only prophiteer
sargent Freddy's lonely hearts club band
i haven't much time.
conflict is on the horizon, moving ever closer toward us.
our being a peace-loving people does not mean that we are weak and ineffectual.
Excuse me while I kiss the sky
today, today, as with all those new days before, .
i awoke from the sweet dreams of nocturnal .
flights of fancy, and that they should take .
today, today, as with all those new days before, .
i awoke from the sweet dreams of nocturnal .
flights of fancy, and that they should take .
They always say if you put on your Icarus suit and fly to the sun you'll regret it but it's a conspiracy!
Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars
Icarus is out there
i have reached a frontier dreamt about as a child -- the outer reaches of a vast realm under stars.. though an imaginative and inquisitive lad, my forward-looking mind and open heart could never have conjured up this fabulous, this infinite unreality into which i have been catapulted.
what may appear a distortion of my former reality i tentatively accept as a cosmic tableau that threatens both to fascinate and crush my frail, puny body and spirit.
i am unable to comprehend what i gaze upon with frightened, delicious terror.. my recent escape from lunaria was of sheer necessity: my people have been overtaken by a scorpion race of alien malefactors whose intent toward us was not one of beneficient intervention but that of conquest.
it all began one rather ordinary morning with a cup of coffee and a gluten free biscotti. She sat there staring at those proverbial clouds in her coffee when a soft delicate rustling in her sink snapped her out of her reverie. The first thought of course is as Edgar Allen Poe would say "tis some visitor rapping at my chamber door only this and nothing more". A creepy visitor like a roach or maybe even a mouse under those dirty dishes. But as we've come to expect in a story like this it's never that simple. This is a sci-fi tale or maybe a twilight zone adventure should we go over and check out the sink? Maybe we should just run out the front door and drive as fast as we can and when we return find the police and neighbors gathered around our place staring at a huge sinkhole. That is not nearly as much fun as inching toward the noise and in a timid voice say "who's there" or "hello" as they always do in the movies instead of getting out of there.
this tired, lonely man has been snared, but i protest little .
she holds me tenderly in her tightening but welcome thrall.
i cave willingly -- oh, so willingly -- to her amatory attentions.
come on let's twist again like we did last year
Do you remember when things were really hummin
come on let's twist again twisting time is here